From Sand to Celluloid: Payback

Producer: Penelope McDonald
Director: Warwick Thornton
Genre: Short Drama
Run time: 10 mins
Year: 1996

Paddy, an Aboriginal man, has been in jail going on 20 years. It is the day of his release. Paddy knows of two laws – a white one and a black on. The 20 years he has spent doing time for the white man’s law have been in preparation for this one day – his payback.

  • Sydney Film Festival (2018)
  • Berlin International Film Festival (2013)
  • Message Sticks Indigenous Film Festival (2009)
  • International Film Festival Rotterdam (2003)
  • Clermont – Ferrand International Short Film Festival (2003)
  • EthnoFilmFest Berlin (2001)
  • Bite The Mango Film Festival (1999)
  • Homage to New Australian Cinema Festival (1999)
  • Shintoku Film Festival (1998)
  • Cork Film Festival (1998)
  • Australians for Native Title and Reconciliation (1998)
  • Australian Film Season – UK (1997)
  • Festival des Antipodes – Paris (1997)
  • Fajr International Film Festival (1997)
  • Douarnenez Festival of Ethnic Minority (1997)
  • Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival(1997)
  • Brest Short Film Festival (1997)
  • Valladolid International Film Festival(1996)
  • Telluride Film Festival(1996)
  • Hawaii International Film Festival (1996)
  • Festival des Antipodes – Paris (1996)